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MFR: 60 minutes change

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  • First Time Client

    This session incorporates an intake form with a discussion of your health and concerns. In addition, I do an assessment of the body to see where the structural holding patterns are held in space. I will conduct a 60-minute session and may follow up the session with self-care techniques depending on what modalities were incorporated.
    • 90 minute First Time Session $210
      This session is for clients scheduling their first session with Q Bodyworks and would like time to address one's concerns.  In this initial session, we will review your intake form.  In addition, I will provide a visual and hands-on assessment.  Based on this information, I have the ability to feel the areas that are tight and restricted.  Each session addresses what is being presented in your body at the present moment.  Please allow approximately 2 hours for your first session.
    • Myofascial Release (MFR)

      Myofascial Release (MFR) is a highly effective, whole body, hands-on approach for evaluation and treatment for an individual.  Karla Quello will use sustained pressure into fascial restrictions which can eliminate pain patterns and restore motion in the body again.  
      • MFR: 90 minutes $190
        Myofascial Release is a highly effective, whole body approach for evaluating and treating an individual through our three-dimensional fascial system.  This session engages the fascia through various techniques and can eliminate holding patterns which are related to acute and chronic pain which in turn restores motion and creates long-term pain relief.  Client education is often a part of the treatment session. 
      • MFR: 120 minutes $240
        Myofascial Release is a highly effective, whole body approach for evaluating and treating an individual through our three-dimensional fascial system.  This session engages the fascia through various techniques and can eliminate holding patterns which are related to acute and chronic pain which in turn, restores motion and creates long-term pain relief.  Client education is often a part of the treatment session. 
  • Biofield Tuning

    Biofield Tuning is a vibrational sound therapy method that utilizes tuning forks to both diagnostically and therapeutically locate and correct distortions in the body's energy field or biofield.  Vibrating forks break up energy knots which will facilitate circulation of the subtle energy in the field, as well as, the body.  Tuning Forks work therapeutically through the physics principles of resonance and entrainment and has a modulating effect on the body.
    • Biofield Tuning: 60 minutes $140
      Biofield Tuning is a vibrational sound therapy process that uses tuning forks to both diagnostically and therapeutically locate and correct distortions in the body's energy field or biofield.  The biofield is the scientific term used to describe the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the body.  The biofield also contains the blueprint that the physical body organizes itself around.  
      Vibrating forks are started at the edge of the field, about 5 feet out, and are slowly moved in towards the midline of the body.  Depending on where the area of noise falls in the biofield, a trained therapist can determine what age a particular trauma or situation occurred, as well as, the primary emotion. 
      Just as lithotripsy uses sound waves to break up kidney and gallstones, the sound produced by the forks breaks up energy knots and facilitates circulation of the subtle energy and the body.
    • Biofield Tuning: 90 minutes $190
      Biofield Tuning is a vibrational sound therapy that uses tuning forks to both diagnostically and therapeutically locate and correct distortions in the body's energy field or biofield.  The biofield is the scientific term used to describe the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the body. The biofield also contains the blueprint that the physical body organizes itself around.
      Vibrating forks are started at the edge of the field, about 5 feet out, and are slowly moved towards the midline of the body.  Depending on where the area of noise falls in the biofield, a trained therapist can determine what age a particular trauma or situation occurred, as well as, the primary emotion. 
      Just as lithotripsy uses sound waves to break up kidney and gallstones, the sound produced by the forks breaks up energy knots and facilitates circulation of the subtle energy and the body.
Karla : Karla Quello Price:$140